Following a noteworthy career in magazine, curriculum, book and Bible publishing, Dean Merrill is now concentrating on indepen­dent editorial work. Some of his projects are solo writing, many are collaborations with well-known personalities, and still others involve overall directing of complex editorial projects.

BOOKS                              view all »



Subtitled “An honest discussion about the retirement lie, and how to live a future worthy of dreams.” This is a collaboration with financial advisors Joel Malick and Alex Lippert that addresses the nonfinancial factors of retirement—finding a new sense of purpose,...

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Excellence Wins

Excellence Wins

Collaboration with Horst Schulze, the fascinating man who put Ritz-Carlton “on the map” of the hotel industry. This book is his no-nonsense guide to becoming the best in a world of compromise, whether you’re in business, education, government, the nonprofit arena, or...

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The God Of New Beginnings

The God Of New Beginnings

Collaboration with Rob Cowles and Matt Roberts—two daring pastors who have stepped out of the normal career track to plant “churches for people who don’t do church.” Called Genesis Project (“a place of new beginnings”), they touch hundreds of addicts, felons,...

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Miracle Invasion

Miracle Invasion

A collection of 40-some stories of accounts of credible healings, prophecies, miracles, and other gifts of the Spirit that have occurred in North America during the past few decades. They inspire faith and courage to access God’s activity—if Christians are not too...

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SHORT READS                              view all »

  • Goldilocks and the Music Wars - A guerrilla skirmish rumbles across churches. It is not a battle for righteousness or holiness, but instead a struggle over formats and styles…. read more »
  • How Long, O Lord? - When I tell you what I thought about my godly father, now 82 and wheelchair-bound in an Iowa nursing home, you’ll be shocked. But when I tell you how God managed to straighten my head, you’ll be relieved…. read more »
  • Energized, or Drained? - On a hot day in Samaria, Jesus said something odd to his disciples as they returned from a quick trip to the sandwich shop…. read more »
  • What’s the Main Attraction? - Unchurched people aren’t all that interested in slick performance and jolly socializing; they already know where to find those horizontal things. What they yearn for is something upward…. read more »
  • Supporting Caesar, Serving Caesar’s Boss - “Done for another year!” I yelped around nine o’clock last night as I put the finishing touches on our federal and state income tax returns. (Okay, I know at least half of you are muttering, “Show-off …,” while the other half are saying, “What took you so long? I filed mine weeks ago!”) read more »
  • Well, It’s Legal, Isn’t It? - Have you noticed how frequently ethical debates these days start—and end—with the question “Is it legal?”? read more »
  • Good Exegesis for Kids, Too - From the days of Cecil B. de Mille up to the present, Christians have criticized Hollywood and New York producers for adding to the Scripture. Are we qualified to cast stones? …. read more »
  • The God of New Things—and Old Ones, Too - Is he a progressive? A traditionalist? Or some of both? read more »
  • Can Giving Be Fun? - I remember the day my wife and I stopped tithing. No, we hadn’t departed from the faith, nor were we even rebelling against our upbringing…. read more »
  • Is There a Man in the House? - Are you curious about what really goes on in heaven? Many people are. Just this week, my wife looked at the framed pictures of my parents and her parents (all four deceased) and asked, “Do you think they’re in touch with each other now? Heaven has millions of people; have they found each other in… read more »
  • A Four-Letter Word Called BUSY - What’s the busiest month of the year? Obviously, December, with all the shopping, partying, concertgoing, and traveling…. read more »
  • The Benefits of Not Fitting In - Certain attributes stand out in a crowd, no matter what you do. Red hair, for example. Unusual height (ask me about that one!). A non-majority skin color.Other things, however, can be covered over. Especially in the spiritual realm…. read more »